Directive Principles of State Policy under the Indian Constitution

The article is written by Shubham Choudhary, 2nd Year law student of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences. The author had discussed the Directive Principles of State Policy with its characteristics, importance and criticisms and how these can be classified under different heads.


The Directive Principles of State Policy are embedded in Part IV of the Indian Constitution starting from Articles 36 to Article 51. The idea of Directive Principles of State Policy is borrowed from the Irish Constitution of 1937 which interestingly has borrowed itself from Spanish Constitution. Granville Austin combinedly defines Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy as “Conscience of the Constitution”. B.R. Ambedkar defines them as ‘novel features’ of the Constitution as although ideas are being borrowed but the deriving force for the Constitution is novel in its own sense. The Directive Principles of State Policy, when combined with Fundamental Rights, inscribe the philosophy of the Constitution and are the Soul of the Constitution.

Several Features of Directive Principles of State Policy.

  1. The Phrase ‘Directive Principles of State Policy’ denotes the ideals to be considered while forming the policies and statutes for governance. These are like guidelines or recommendations or instructions for forming the laws and legislatures. These need to be kept in mind by all the authorities under the meaning of ‘State’ defined in Fundamental Rights.
  2. The Directive Principles of State Policy are similar to the concept of ‘Instrument of Instructions’ contained in the Government of India Act of 1935 which were recommendations for Governor-General and other Governors of the colonies by the British Government. The only difference is that they are for legislatures and are recommended by the Constituent Assembly.
  3. These are comprehensive guidelines for Socio-Economic and political guidelines for the idealistic democratic State which was not possible at the time of Independence but seek to achieve high ideals of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity on which pillars of Indian Democracy stands. The concept of welfare state needs to be achieved in contrast to the police state as it was under British.
  4. These principles are non-justiciable in nature, means these cannot be legally enforced in a court of law against government. However, Article 37 of the Constitution itself says that these are fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be the duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws.
  5. Although these a non- justiciable in nature, they immensely help the court in determining the constitutional validity of the law. The Supreme Court many a time seeks to enforce Directive Principles till justice is done.

Classification of the Directive Principles of State Policy

The constitution doesn’t differentiate between types of Directive Principles of State Policy but for better understanding of the terms, these can be classified into three broad categories namely, Socialistic, Gandhian and Liberal-intellectual.

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Socialist Principles

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, are now on equal footing in the eyes of the law but there were huge inequalities in the society, to curb these social Hierarchical problems, the Constituent assembly wants to achieve Socialist State and for this they included the following Articles of the Constitution that reflects the ideology of Socialism.