bar health code checklist" />
bar health code checklist
Is there enough space to move around safely?
Is there enough space for storage of materials & equipment?
Is there enough clear bench space to use materials & equipment safely?
Are unauthorised people excluded from the cellar?
Are floors in a safe condition?
Are floors free of boxes, equipment & other trip hazards?
Are surfaces clean?
Are there separate waste bins for : general waste?, broken glass?, waste chemicals?, food waste?
Are bins emptied often enough?
Is there enough fresh air, without draughts?
Is extra ventilation provided to remove fumes?
Are ventilation systems tested annually?
Is the room temperature comfortable? (at least 16C)
Are windows in a clean & safe condition?
Are blinds fitted to reduce glare or temperature?
Is lighting adequate in all areas?
Is extra lighting provided for close work where needed?
Are stepladders or footstools available and used to reach high shelves?
Are heavy & awkward items stored at waist height where possible?
Are trolleys or barrows available and used for moving heavy or large loads?
Are handwashing & drying facilities available in the area?
Are there enough toilets for men & women within reasonable distance?
Are toilets & washbasins clean & in working order?
Are hot and cold (or warm) running water, soap and towels (or other cleaning/hand drying facilities) provided in the toilets?
Are staff warned & supervised to ensure there is no eating, drinking or smoking where chemicals are used or kept?
Are rest & eating facilities provided outside the bar?