B. What Format of IBR Material Do I Send for Approval?
C. What Should My Agency Consider When Deciding to Use a Publication?
D. What Is the “Reasonably Available” Requirement for IBR Material?
E. How Can My Agency Make Incorporated Material Reasonably Available?
F. Can My Agency Incorporate Web-based Material?
G. Can My Agency Incorporate Software Applications or Databases?
IV. Rulemaking Documents [download pdf]
V. Changing or Removing an Incorporated Publication [download pdf]
A. Who Determines Whether to Update Incorporated Publications?
B. What if I Withdraw the Final Rule containing the IBR or the Final Rule Does Not Go into Effect?
C. How Do I Remove IBR Material from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)?
VI. Requesting IBR Approval [download pdf]
VII. IBR Checklist for Final Rules [download pdf]
Appendix A. Templates, Boilerplate Language, and Examples [download pdf]